Helpdesk for Support Personnel

Helpdesk for Support Personnel

If you are a member of a support group that is responsible for resolving tickets raised by employees, you can access the helpdesk to: 

  • View tickets raised by employees.

  • Assign tickets to yourself and re-assign tickets to your team members for action.

  • Update/resolve/ silence tickets.

Viewing tickets raised by employees

Click "List" under "Helpdesk" (horizontal menu). You will be able to view all the open tickets.

Please note that you will be able to view only those tickets that are meant for your support group. You can be a member of one or more support groups. Each support group is responsible for resolving tickets raised under specific query categories and subcategories.

The default view of the ticket list is the "tile" view. Each tile on the image above represents a ticket. You can switch to the "tabular" view by clicking the "list" view icon shown below.

The "tabular" view of the ticket list is as follows. The status of all unassigned tickets is set to "Open".

You specify the default view of the ticket list as the tabular view by clicking the  ("Preferences" icon) on the top-right of the screen.

Assign tickets on the view page

The tickets need to be assigned to a support desk personnel before they can be acted upon. As a member of the support group, you can assign the tickets to yourself. In the tabular view, please select the ticket(s) you wish to assign to yourself and click the "Accept Checked Tickets" button.

If you are using the tile view, you can accept tickets by clicking the  icon.

Once you accept a ticket, the status of the ticket changes to "Assigned".

Even without accepting a ticket, you can open the ticket and send a communication to the employee who has raised it.

Enter your comment and click update.

 Update / resolve / silence a ticket

Once you accept a ticket, you can update, resolve or silence the ticket.

Update: This refers to the process of sending a communication to the employee with the idea of seeking more information in order to address the employee query.

Resolve: This refers to the process of closing the ticket after addressing the employee's concern. The "Resolve" status marks the closure of the ticket. The employee can re-open a resolved ticket if they are dissatisfied with the resolution process.

Silence: The Silence status is the same as the Resolved status. When you update or resolve a ticket, HRWorks sends out a communication to the employee informing them of the same. When you silence the ticket, the ticket will be marked as resolved, except that HRWorks will not send any communication to the employee. For example, if you receive a communication from an employee that they raised a ticket by mistake and that you can close the ticket, you can silence it to avoid sending an email that says that you have closed the ticket.  This would help in reducing email overload.

Open the ticket and view the query raised by the employee

Once the ticket is open, you can view the employee query by clicking the   icon located on the right side of the screen.

You can view the query raised by the employee and work towards resolving the same.

Once you view the employee query, you can update, resolve or silence the ticket.


Use this option if you require more information from the employee for resolving the issue. Enter your question in the "Comments" area and click the "Update" button.

Once you click the update button, HRWorks will send an email to the employee who can then respond to your communication by updating the ticket from their end. The conversation between the employee and yourself can be viewed by clicking the   icon located on the right side of the screen. You can keep updating the ticket as many times as required. 


 Use this option if you have provided the resolution and wish to close the ticket. Enter your message in the "Comments" area and click the "Resolve" button.

Once a ticket is resolved, you cannot update the ticket.


Use this option if you wish to close the ticket without HRWorks sending an email to notify the employee of the same. Enter your message in the "Comments" area and click the "Silent Ticket" button.

Once a ticket is silenced, you cannot update the ticket.

Re-assign a ticket to another team member

After accepting a ticket, if you wish to assign it to any other person in the support group you can do so by opening the ticket and clicking the "Re-assign ticket" button. 

Clicking the "Re-assign ticket" button opens a pop-up window in which you can enter the details of the support personnel to whom you wish to re-assign the ticket.