Submit Attendance (Non-Real-Time)

Submit Attendance (Non-Real-Time)

1 General

You can use our web (HTTP request) API to submit new employee information to HRWorks by way of this API. This creates a new employee record in HRWorks.

1.1 Authentication

Your API calls must contain the API key for the purpose of authentication.






Please contact the HRWorks administrator in your organization for the API key.

You can generate the API key for your organization yourself.

1.2 Endpoint


You need to use https in your API call.

Please note that the API key must be appended with the URL as a request parameter.

2 Post Request

Input can be provided as a request parameter named input. The value should be a data file in xls (in MS Excel 97/2000/XP format) or CSV format. The xls template file for this can be downloaded from HRWorks application itself.

The input file contains the following columns:

  1. Employee Id: Employee Id as specified in HRWorks.

  2. Date: Date for which attendance is being uploaded. Should be Excel date value in case of xls file. For CSV format, the date value should be in the yyyy-mm-dd format.

  3. In Time: Date and Time of the employee entry time. Should be Excel date time value. For CSV format, the "TimeStamp" format in Data Types should be used.

  4. Out Time: Date and Time of the employee exit time. Should be Excel date time value. For CSV format, the "TimeStamp" format in Data Types should be used.

  5. In Location: This is a text value specifying the ID for the swipe card / biometric machine. This should correspond to a swipe card / biometric machine ID (referred to as Attendance Location ID in HRWorks) stored in HRWorks. This is a non-mandatory field. If a value is not provided, the default attendance location (as specified in HRWorks) shall be used.

  6. Out Location: This is a text value specifying the ID for the swipe card / biometric machine. This should correspond to a swipe card / biometric machine ID (referred to as Attendance Location ID in HRWorks) stored in HRWorks. This is a non-mandatory field. If a value is not provided, the default attendance location (as specified in HRWorks) shall be used.

  7. Comments: Enter comments for the attendance entry. Can be left blank.

3. Response

If the Attendance Upload request API call is successful, the API shall return a response such as the below.

    "success": true,
    "statusCode": 200

4 Coding Examples

4.1 CURL


#The following command posts attendance data.

Curl -F input=@<local reference to the attendance data file>"https:www.hinote.in/hrworks/AttendanceFileupload.do?key=<customer_api_key>"