Input can be provided as a request parameter named input. The value should be a data file in xls (in MS Excel 97/2000/XP format) or CSV format. The xls template file for this can be downloaded from HRWorks application itself.
The template input file contains the following columns:
- Employee Id: Employee Id as specified in HRWorks.
- Date: Date for which attendance is being uploaded. Should be Excel date value in case of xls file. For CSV format, the date value should be yyyy-mm-dd.
- In Time: Date and Time of the employee entry time. Should be Excel date time value. For CSV format, the "TimeStamp" format in Data Types should be used.
- Out Time: Date and Time of the employee exit time. Should be Excel date time value.
- In Location: Should be left as blank. Created for future use.
- Out Location: Should be left as blank. Created for future use.
- Comments: Any relevant comments for the attendance entry. Can be left blank.