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You can submit details of premium paid by you for maintaining a life insurance policy taken for yourself, your spouse and your children, in order to claim deduction under Section 80C.
In the table titled "Life Insurance Premium", you will see the message "No data found" if there is no prior declaration. If you are creating a new declaration by editing an earlier declaration, you would see values similar to those presented below.


Image Added

As soon as you click on the


Image Added icon on top-left in he table, you will see a row with blank fields appearing inside the table where you can enter details of life insurance premium that you have paid or will be paying for the year. Please click on the respective cells to update the details.

You can create as many rows as you wish to enter details of all your insurance premiums paid during the year by clicking


the Image Added icon. If you wish to delete any of the rows, you could do so by clicking on


the Image Added icon at the beginning of the row.



Policy No.

Please enter the insurance policy number.

Insured Person

Please enter the name of the insured person for whom the policy has been taken.


Please select the relationship of the insured person to yourself from the drop down.

Policy Amount / Sum Assured (Rs)

Please enter the total policy / sum assured amount (in Rs). The amount can have a maximum of two decimal places. Please do not enter the premium information in this field.


Please enter the total annual premium amount (in Rs). The amount can have a maximum of two decimal places.
